Is this treatment relaxer? No, it is a treatment based of
Keratin that naturally smooths your hair. Your curl remains
under the treatment but your contorted, entangled hair
becomes incredibly manageable. Style it as you wish....wear
your hair smooth one day and curly the next without the frizz
and out of control volume.
Can you do these treatments on top of relaxed hair?
Yes, you can do the treatment over any previously relaxed hair.
Can you do the treatments after coloring? Yes, for better
results, I recommend the treatment right after your color or
within a few days.
Can you do the treatments on previously chemically
treated hair? Yes, you can do the treatment over any
chemical and get great results!
Can you do the treatments on highlighted hair? Yes, you
can do the highlights and do the treatment right after.
Can I color my hair and do the treatment? Yes, I
recommend you color the hair first. You can do both the color
and blow out on the same day.
How long will the Keratin treatment stay on my hair?
12 weeks to 5 months, depending on your hair type. Ironically,
the more damaged your hair, the longer the treatment will last
Can I do the treatment every month? Yes you can, With
either treatment product. When you do another treatment
before the first one lifts off completely, it will build a stronger
network of conditioning, hence, lasting longer with each build
Can I wash my hair after the treatment, and when? It's best
to wait 2-3 days. I have had clients hate that third day so much
that they shampoo after 2. Results were fine. The treatment does
need time to calibrate which helps ensure lasting results.
Can I wear a ponytail or tie my hair? No, best not to. The first
2-3 days should be spent running your fingers through your
smooth, soft hair. Let it be free! Leaving your hair down, without
restraints will add longevity to your investment.
What should I do if my hair gets wet during the first 2 to 3
days? Blow dry as soon as you can.
If I get any ridges in my hair when I sleep, what should I
do? Use either a blow dryer or a flat iron to straighten out the
ridges in your hair.
Can I go into the pool or ocean after the treatment as soon
as waiting period has been completed? Yes, you can. A good
practice is to put on an oil that contains UV protection. This will
give your treatment protection from the chemicals in the water or
the natural elements.
Can I wash my hair after the treatment, and when? It's best
to wait 2-3 days. I have had clients hate that third day so much
that they shampoo after 2. Results were fine. The treatment does
need time to calibrate which helps ensure lasting results.
Do I have to do touch-ups on my next visit or the whole
head? The whole head. The reason for this is simple. This
treatment doesn't "grow out" like a perm does. There is never a
line of demarcation. The treatment simply lifts off slowly and your
natural hair configuration will slowly begin to come back.
What shampoo can I use after doing the treatment? A
shampoo that is sulfate-free, it should provide UV protection
and your treatment will last. By the end of the year almost
every brand will have a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner
added to their product line. Big business knows that this
professional conditioning treatment is here to stay and want to
support it with their new products.
Should I cut my hair before the treatment? No, I
recommend cutting your hair after. Your freshly smoothed hair
may have an uneven line after your curls are tamed. I like to go
through your previous hair cut and make sure everything looks
even. OH, and by the by, all haircuts/trims are included in my
Keratin FAQs